The Alzheimer's Disease Bookstore

Family Experiences with Alzheimer's Disease

How others have handled life with a loved one who has AD

Click on the Book Title for detailed description and ordering information.

Facing Alzheimer's- Family Caregivers Speak

Eight women who lived through their husbands' declines talk frankly about how they faced the agonizing decisions they had to make and live with.

Alzheimer's Disease- A Guide for Families

This book helps you to overcome the challenges of looking after a loved one with Alzheimer's: communicating, staying healthy, making your home safe, avoiding depression, finding long-term health care, and more.

Shades of Grace

In this novel, Barbara Delinsky crafts an unforgettable story of three generations of women in one family, examining the limits of love, responsibility, and commitment.

Caring for Maria

This book is based on diaries that were written to help alliviate the great pressure of caring. This intense, yet at times humorous, book presents a story of exceptional human courage, determination and compassion.

Profiles in Caregiving- The Unexpected Career

This is a practical source of information for anyone who teaches caregiving, acts as a caregiver, or studies caregiving. It provides a research investigation into the factors associated with effective caregiving to dementia patients.

Alzheimer's- Another Opportunity to Love

Grayce Bonham Carter has painted a tribute that will cause you to laugh and cry as she shares from her journals the story of the "Dear One," her husband, afflicted with this mysterious disease.

Beyond the Thin Line

In fictional synthesis, Robert Gard traces the life of "Harry McDare," a patient in a skilled nursing facility rest home. Harry closes his life in the shadow of Alzheimer's. It is Harry's story---which has many parallels to that of a close friend of the author's---that forms the core of this enriching exploration.

Also My Journey

Marguerite Atkins has bravely shared her moving experience. She has opened to us the (private) doors of her heart and her understanding, with the hope that by doing so, others who need strength and wisdom may find help.

Where Did Mary Go?

Frank A. Wall shares many of the practical lessons learned while caregiving for his wife, and with this hands-on experience provides new caregivers with insights about what to expect and how to cope with caring for their loved ones, while also caring for themselves.

Handle With Care

In her sensitive, personal, and loving story, Dorothy S. Brown distills many helpful and encouraging insights for those who are involved with the deteriorating mind of an aging loved one.

Catch a Falling Star

Based on Betty Baker Spohr's personal journals as she cared for her husband, this book records their experiences as they met the challenge of Hank's inevitable decline. Written with humor and many illustrations.

Tales From My Teachers on the Alzheimer's Unit

A collection of poetry inspired by and in dedication to victims of Alzheimer's Disease.

In A Tangled Wood

This moving and compassionate memoir offers readers a rare and authentic glimpse into the world and culture of an Alzheimer's special care unit.

My Journey Into Alzheimer's Disease

Pastor Robert Davis was an outstanding preacher who succumbed to Alzheimer's Disease. He shared his insights to describe his own walk of faith.

Ginny- A Love Remembered

For the author, one way to cope with his wife's Alzheimer's Disease is by remembering the joyful details of his marriage. With the help of family letters and diaries Bob Artley paints an enduring picture of a special partner and a treasured relationship.

Your Name is Hannibal Hughes Shanks

Lela Knox Shanks's personal account of caregiving for her husband. Shanks describes her initial denial, her discovery of coping skills, her eventual acceptance of his illness, and her ultimate recognition that the key to successful caregiving lies in never losing sight of the patient's humanness.
