The Alzheimer's Disease Bookstore

Caregiving Books

Practical advice on caregiving

Click on the Book Title for detailed description and ordering information.

Caregiving for the Alzheimer's Patient - A Practical Guide

Up-to-date information on the medical aspects of the dementia caused by Alzheimer's: the importance of exercise and proper diet for patients; optimal living environments for patients; techniques for enhancing memory, orientation, and communication in patients, selecting the appropriate nursing home, and the benefits of support groups for Alzheimer's families.

The 36 Hour Day

A family guide to caring for persons with Alzheimer's Disease, related dementing illnesses, and memory loss later in life. This is the most popular book about Alzheimer's caregiving on

Caring for Those with Alzheimer's- A Pastoral Approach

Keeping your perspective; listening to your feelings; spirituality and the caregiver; psychotherapy and pastoral care.

Caring for People with Alzheimer's Disease

This easy-to-use manual provides health care professionals with a complete curriculum for teaching caregivers the basic skills needed to work with people with Alzheimer's disease. 

When Memory Fails

Dr. Edwards describes the researchers' efforts to discover the elusive cause of dementia and explains the profound changes dementia brings to victims' lives.

The Best Friends Approach to Alzheimer's Care

What does it take to be a friend to a person with Alzheimer's disease? All the same ingredients that go into any friendship. This book shows how easily you can make a difference in the life of a family member or client in your care.

Alzheimer's Disease- Caregivers Speak Out

Alzheimer's Disease: Caregivers Speak Out is a guide for families, friends, professionals, and students to better understanding those who have Alzheimer's disease and the people who care for them. Through their own heartfelt words and experiences, caregivers share feelings and ideas in an effort to teach others about this disease called Alzheimer's.

The Alzheimer's Sourcebook for Caregivers

This is is a fact-based, hands on, caregiving book written by an in-home Alzheimer's caregiver.
Alzheimer's- Caring for Your Loved One, Caring for Yourself Drawing on personal experiences of caring for a parent with Alzheimer's and a professional background in hospital, community, and nursing home settings, Sharon Fish looks at the facts about Alzheimer's and the realities caregivers face.

The Complete Guide to Alzheimer's-Proofing Your Home

How to create a home environment that will help you cope with the many difficulties of Alzheimer's disease. Includes minimizing accidents and injuries, access denial issues, grab bar basics, activities of daily living, planning for a caregiving future, plus lots more.

Taking Care of Caregivers

Taking Care of Caregivers inspires and empowers caregivers so that they can maintain their own health, happiness, and sanity in order to provide loving care for the person who is ill.

Coping With Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementing Illnesses

Practical tips for coping with everyday tasks, safety problems, and changes in personality or behavior.

Coping With Communication Challenges in Alzheimer's Disease

This volume is written by a professional speech-language pathologist with more than 25 years experience in working with adults with communications disorders and with their families.

Therapeutic Caregiving

The author has developed an array of techniques for prolonging self-care capabilities and slowing the effects of physical and mental degeneration.

Alzheimer's- A Handbook for the Caregiver

This book is written for people who are not in the medical profession. The author deals with the results of AD from the caregiver's point of view in order to assist in daily care. Up-to-date information on the medical aspects of the dementia caused by Alzheimer's: the importance of exercise and proper diet for patients; optimal living environments for patients; techniques for enhancing memory, orientation, and communication in patients, selecting the appropriate nursing home, and the benefits of support groups for Alzheimer's families.
