The Alzheimer's Disease Bookstore

Spirituality and Alzheimer's Disease

Remembering God's love in difficult times

Click on the Book Title for detailed description and ordering information.

Forgetting Whose We Are- Alzheimer's Disease and the Love of God

This book offers a Christian understanding of and response to the difficult theological, spiritual, and pastoral problems raised by Alzheimer's disease. the book affirms the classic Christian doctrines that witness to the reality of grace and the promise of salvation even for those who can no longer remember themselves, their families, or their relationship with God.

Caring for Those With Alzheimer's- A Pastoral Approach

Keeping your perspective; listening to your feelings; spirituality and the caregiver; psychotherapy and pastoral care.

My Journey Into Alzheimer's Disease

Pastor Robert Davis was an outstanding preacher who succumbed to Alzheimer's Disease. He shared his insights to describe his own walk of faith.
