Forgetting Whose We Are 
Alzheimer's Disease And The Love Of God
Publisher's description:
Alzheimer's disease---a degenerative disease of the central nervous system characterized especially by premature mental detioration---is the most publicly visible and widely discussed form of a range of disorders know as senile dementia. The nature of Alzheimer's disease, especially in its progressive debilitation of the memory, raises key theological issues. What does it mean to be truly human? Does our ability to remember define who we are as persons? When the mind loses its ability to remember, what happens to the life of the soul? When we forget God, does God still remember us?
Forgetting Whose We Are offers a Christian understanding of and response to the difficult theological, spiritual, and pastoral problems raised by Alzheimer's disease. Filling an important gap in existing literature by directly confronting the theological challenges of Alzheimer's disease to victims, caregivers, and their communities, the book affirms the classic Christian doctrines that witness to the reality of grace and the promise of salvation even for those who can no longer remember themselves, their families, or their relationship with God.
"David Keck's courageous book opens up new horizons in the struggle to understand the biblical, theological, and pastoral implications of the devastating effects of Alzheimer's disease on its victims, their caregivers, and the community at large. No one can read it without being both informed and deeply moved,"Brevard S. Childs, The Divinity School, Yale University.
"My mother, aged eighty-three, has suffered with Alzheimer's disease for thirteen years. This remarkable book places the personal and familial devastation of Alzheimer's in the context of an acute inquiry into the role of memory in identity and faith, and the power of Christian faith's conviction that God remembers who we are even when we cannot...With graceful erudition and compelling writing, Keck helps us claim our need for the sustaining power of faith's shared memory and the grounding of our lives and deaths in God's faithful remembering,"James W. Fowler, Candler School of Theology, Emory University.
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