The Best Friends Approach to Alzheimer's Care

By Virginia Bell and David Troxel
Publisher's Description:
What does it take to be a friend to a person with Alzheimer's disease? All the same ingredients that go into any friendship: mutual respect, affection, understanding, and support. It means sharing time, feelings, memories, and new experiences. It's not hard. It's our nature. Amidst the many challenges and faces of this disease, The Best Friends Approach to Alzheimer's Care shows how easily you can make a difference in the life of a family member or client in your care.
Here's the help you've been looking for:
- families will gain a renewed sense of hope
- nursing facility staff will find simple applications for resident care
- adult day center staff can enrich programming and attract more volunteers
- individuals with emerging Alzheimer's disease will gain valuable insights.
Learn new ways to solve problems encourage positive behavior, and improve communications. Make every day consistently reassuring, enjoyable, and secure. Be a friend---a best friend---to someone with Alzheimer's disease. It will change that person's life....and yours!
"Helping patients and families cope with Alzheimer's disease is one of the major challenges for our society. Bell and Troxel have provided an outstanding guide for anyone involved in the care of individuals with Alzheimer's disease. The Best Friends method is an innovative, sensitive and unique approach that can greatly improve the quality of life for patients with the most devastating disease known to man." William R. Markesberry, M.D., Director, Alzheimer's Disease Research Center and Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, University of Kentucky.
About The Authors:
VIRGINIA BELLand DAVID TROXELare recognized nationally for their groundbreaking and innovative work helping people with Alzheimer's disease and their families. With a combined 20 years of experience working in university, community, and adult day center settings, they are associated with the Lexington/Bluegrass (Kentucky) and Santa Barbara (California) chapters of the Alzheimer's Association.
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