ALZHEIMER'S: A Handbook for the Caretaker 
By Eileen H. Driscoll
"As a daughter of a family doctor stricken by Alzheimer's, I recognize this book as a professional yet practical common sense approach to assist both caretaker and patient. It is written with experience, conviction and, most importantly, a loving spirit that provide the reader with knowledge and courage to undertake care of loved ones." Christina Ferayorni ,M.A., Fort Lauderdale,Florida
"Your manual is a very enlightening study of the person with Alzheimer's Disease. It gives the reader an overview on how to care for the Alzheimer's victim on a daily basis, many fine resources and the material is simplified in terms that most people can understand.
I would highly recommend your manual for use in all facilities that care for persons with Alzheimer's Disease. It should be outstanding reading in libraries as a resource guide for families and caregivers." Ileana Stone, M.A.,Director, Social Services, Redwood Terrace, Escondido,California.
Eileen H. Driscoll was a registered nurse for 44 years. This book is the result of many years of working with Alzheimer's patients in a day care facility. She retired from nursing in 1989, but, eventually became bored and return to caring for Alzheimer's patients on a part-time basis.
You can now order the book listed below directly on the Internet from Lake Solitude Media's Alzheimer's Bookstore in affiliation with Books. Click on the link below.
Chapter One---Attitude is Everything
- Understanding the disease
- Stages of the disease
- Stage One: Aware
- Stage Two: Acceptance
- Stage Three: Unaware
- Stage Four: Partial Care
- Stage Five: Full Care
- Maintain a positive attitude
- Medical needs, behavior changes
Chapter Two---Know Your Limitations
- Care for the caregiver
- Family involvement
- Join a support group
- Respite care by professionals
- Love, but be objective
Chapter Three---Stage One: Aware
- Stage One symptoms
- Put yourself in the patient's place: Joe and Mabel
- The caregiver's role in Stage One
- Practical matters
- A caregiver's checklist for Stage One
Chapter Four---Preventing Catastrophic Reactions
- Keep the patient calm
- Keep the patient busy
- Quick solutions
- Wandering
- Summary of tips and suggestions
Chapter Five---Stage Two: Acceptance
- Stage Two symptoms
- Betty accepts her illness
- Two patients who could laugh about it
- Lucy learned to not worry about it
- Inside Lucy's damaged mind
- When stages combine
- Beth could not accept her illness
- A caregiver's checklist for Stage Two
Chapter Six---Stage Three: Unaware
- Stage Three symptoms
- The patient's viewpoint
- unaware and filling in
- Loss of train of thought
- Loss of logic, reason and memory
- Anxiety
- Sarah danced away her anxiety
- Unaware and wandering
- Ed is persuaded to return
- A caregiver's checklist for Stage Three
Chapter Seven---Stage Four: Partial Care
- Stage Four symptoms
- Changes in spatial orientation and coordination
- The caregiver's dilemma
- Peggy accepted her lack of spatial coordination
- Confusing past with present
- Partial Care and clothing, hygiene, sleep,feeding,exercise,outings,pets and crafts
- Dealing with restlessness, hoarding, hallucinations, repetitive movements
- The caregiver's reward
- A caregiver's checklist for Stage Four
Chapter Eight---Stage Five: Full Care
- Stage Five symptoms
- Entertainment and activities
- Music can be magic
- Nursing care: Watch for signs of illness; Skin care and bathing; Moving the patient; Bladder and bowel concerns; Other hygiene concerns; Food and nutrition
- A caregiver's checklist for Stage Five
Chapter Nine---Placement Outside the Home
- Making a difficult decision
- Evaluating skilled care facilities
- Dealing with depression
- Look ahead to a brighter future
Chapter Ten---An Alzheimer's Case History
- John and Mary
- Before the disease
- Mary is diagnosed
- Early stages of the disease: Aware and Acceptance
- Mary is Unaware, and requires Partial Care
- Mary Needs Full Care
Chapter Eleven---Conversations With Two Caregivers
- A conversation with Peggy
- A conversation with Sally