Coping with Communication Challenges in Alzheimer's Disease

by Marie T. Rau
Publisher's Description:
This volume is written by a professional speech-language pathologist with more than 25 years experience in working with adults with communications disorders and with their families. If you, or someone you know, is caring for someone with Alzheimer's Disease or a related dementia, this book will be helpful. If you are frustrated or discouraged because your family member is unable to understand what you want him to do or is not able to express himself clearly because of a dementing illness, this book will offer concrete and practical suggestions to help[ you communicate more effectively. If you are having difficulty meeting some of the other communication challenges faced by the caregiver of a person with dementia, such as communicating with other family members, health care providers, and legal advisers, this book will provide some answers. As you read through this volume, you will see that you and your family member do not need to face the many communication challenges which Alzheimer's Disease presents by yourselves.
- 1-Communication
- 2-Dementia
- 3-Communication in Early Alzheimer's Disease
- 4-Communication in the Middle Stages of Alzheimer's Disease
- 5-Communication in Severe Alzheimer's Disease
- 6-Keeping Communication Channels Open:General Principles and Guidelines
- 7-Communication Strategies in the Early Stages of Dementia
- 8-Communication Strategies in the Middle Stages of Dementia
- 9-Maintaining Communication When Dementia is Severe
- 10-Communicating with Family and Friends
- 11-Other Sources of Support and Communication
- 12-Communicating with Health Care Professionals
- 13-Communicating with Legal and Financial Advisers
- 14-Communicating with Government and Private Service Agencies
- 15-The Relationship Between Problem Behaviors and Communication Difficulty
- 16-Some Concluding Thoughts
- 17-Useful Resources
- Appendix: A Glossary of Terms
- Index
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