Alzheimer's Disease: A Guide for Families 
Lenore S. Powell, Ed.D. With Katie Courtice
Published by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Publisher's description:
When people suffer from Alzheimer's Disease, their family and friends usually must care for them and make decisions on their behalf. The caregiver's job can be emotionally and physically draining. Alzheimer's Disease: A Guide for Families helps you to overcome the challenges of looking after a loved one with Alzheimer's: communicating, staying healthy, making your home safe, avoiding depression, finding long-term health care, and more.
More than any other book, Alzheimer's Disease: A Guide for Families focuses on the emotional side of the illness. For example, talking with someone who has Alzheimer's disease is frustrating and frightening for both of you. This book not only explains how to make communication easier, it tells how to cope with your feelings. The authors even address the anxiety ignited by the discovery that Alzheimer's has a genetic component: the fear that relatives may also get the disease.
Alzheimer's Disease: A Guide for Families is full of practical advice on such questions as ensuring patient's rights, finding time for healthy meals and exercise, maintaining family finances, and choosing the right nursing care. It explains Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of senile dementia in understandable language, summarizing recent research findings and possible treatments. Based on many years of work with families of the memory - impaired, this book will be a real help to all relatives and friends of people with Alzheimer's Disease.
Lenore S. Powell, Ed.D., is a psychotherapist who specializes in counseling people affected by a family illness. She is affiliated with the New York University Medical Center, the College of New Rochelle, and the Research Foundation of the City University of New York. Katie Courtice is a freelance writer in the New York area.
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