Featured Book:

FIERCE BLESSING: A Journey into Alzheimer's, Compassion, and the Joy of Being (Colorado Book Award Finalist memoir)
Fierce Blessing is a personal yet universal story which challenges the Alzheimer's stereotype of "loss of loved one." Read this moving memoir and see this disease in a new and more hopeful light.
"This is the best book on Alzheimer's I have ever read." -Carolyn Carter, ACSW, hospice
"If you're beginning this journey, read FIERCE BLESSING for guidance; if you've completed this journey, read it for comfort and perspective; if you're not on the journey, read it for sheer delight. It's a remarkable story, superbly told, and a glorious gift to caregivers or any other reader in need of respite, resolve, or restoration of spirit."
- Wendy L. Bonifazi, RN
Click Here to learn more, read an excerpt, or buy FIERCE BLESSING. |