When Someone You Love Has Alzheimer's

What you must know, what you can do, what you should expect...
By Marilynn Larkin
Publisher's description:
A helping hand for caregivers - partners, family and friends.
If someone you love has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, you, the caregiver, need straightforward, compassionate advice. This Dell Caregiving Guide provides you with all the information you need during the days ahead, including the latest medical facts from other caregivers. It also helps you care for yourself, so that you can stay strong, healthy, and positive this challenging time.
- The most commonly asked questions about Alzheimer's
- Strategies for coping with memory loss, communication, mood, and behavior problems
- Meal planning, optimal nutrition, and helping with eating
- Exercise, socializing, and quality of life activities
- Legal and financial steps to take, including dealing with health insurance companies
- Arranging long- term care
- The secrets of caregiving sanity ... and other ways to preserve your own well - being
- A take-care-of-yourself checklist for the caregiver
- A resource guide to Alzheimer's information and support
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