Group Work With Elders

50 Therapeutic Exercises for Reminiscence, Validation, and Remotivation
by Ann L. Link, PhD
This book includes 50 structured exercises which specifically address therapeutic issues of the elderly. Includes introductions, directions, and rationale for each exercise, and illustrated worksheets which can be photocopied. The exercises combine important geriatric therapy techniques of reminiscence, validation, and remotivation to energize and inspire group members.
About the Author:
Ann L. Link, PhD, has worked with geriatrics throughout her career as a registered nurse, family counselor, and licensed psychologist. Dr. Link has extensive group therapy experience and conducts geriatric group counseling at Eskaton Glenwood, an intermediate care facility. Her private practice in Carmichael, California serves a wide range of clients in all age groups, bringing increased perspective to her work with the elderly. Dr Link is especially interested in the individual's struggle to meet the challenges presented in the various life stages, focusing in particular on the latter stages where the quest for integrity, threat of despair, and hope for resolution predominate.
"Four stars for Dr. Link's new manual. It is an exceptionally well organized handbook.... The illustrated exercises are simple, yet geared to bringing out emotional and other problerns faced by our evergrowing geriatric population. "
-Cay Drachnik, ATR-BC, HLM, MFCC, Past President of the American Art Therapy Association; Author of Interpreting Metaphors in Children's Drawings
"Dr. Ann Link has written a clever and innovative book that offers much to counselors and psychotherapists working with senior citizens. Group Work With Elders is a practical and applied resource for conducting group exercises to help people come to terms with many of the very difficult challenges of old age. I recommend it highly ."
-John Preston, PsyD, Chair, Professional School of Psychology, Sacramento, CA; Author of You Can Beat Depression and Growing Beyond Emotional Pain
"Dr. Link pmvides guidelines for therapeutic intervention as well as actual exercises, allowing the reader to get started immediately with activities specifically designed with the older person in mind. This book fills a gap in the practical literature about work with elderly persons and should be part of the library of every professional who works with older adults. "
-Cathy A. Malchiodi, MA, ATR, LPCC, LPAT, Director, Institute for the Arts & Health, Salt Lake City, UT
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