Failure-Free Activities for the Alzheimer's Patient 
A Guidebook for Caregivers
Hailed as an essential resource for caregivers, Failure-Free Activities for the Alzheimer's Patient shows how to improve the well-being and raise the quality of life for persons with Alzheimer's disease. Author and psychologist Carmel Sheridan shows how to focus on the abilities that remain rather than the deficits of the patient. She offers simple, meaningful activities which help reinforce self-esteem while relieving boredom and frustration.
- This book is written for all caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's disease or related dementias. It's well-written, easy to use and really helpful. Caregivers, both family and professional, have found Failure-Free Activities to be a treasure house of ideas, advice, activities, resources and other pertinent stress-saving information. Now in its twelfth printing, this award-winning book was recently translated into Japanese.
Contents include:
- Music Activities
- Exercise
- Food Preparation
- Crafts
- Gardening
- Solo Activities
- Family Games
- Reminiscence
- Appendices
"No caregiver should be without this book!" Vancouver Alzheimer's Society
"The best book yet for caregivers. A 'must' for family and professional caregiver alike." Insight
"A great little book! Caregivers love it and I'll say without reservation that no caregiver and no long term care facility should be without it." Canadian Alzheimer's Society Newsletter
"A first of its kind book..for the thousands of people who are trying to decide how best to help people with Alzheimer's." Antelope Valley Press
About The Author:
Carmel Sheridan is a psychologist and activities consultant specializing in Alzheimer's Disease. Her seminars for activity professionals and support groups are popular in Europe, Japan, U.S. and Canada. She is the author of several books including Reminiscence: Uncovering a Lifetime of Memories. Her books have been translated into several languages.
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