Does "The System"
Publisher's description:
Everyone is looking for a way to prevent disease. Each year Alzheimer's disease causes approximately 120,000 deaths. Of all the incurable diseases, Alzheimer's is said to be one of the cruelest. Obliteration of the personality in all its aspects is one of the trademarks of this disorder which comes on subtly.
Valenti's Personal Care facilities, two in Pennsylvania and one in California, were the "dream" of Ted and Paula Valenti. As they endeavored to make their dream a reality they found themselves caught in the net of bureaucracy, which in the years to come would result in the closing of their three Alzheimer's personal care homes, Ted and Paula's arrest, and Ted being sent to prison. Reduced to near poverty level and mental and emotional collapse, these two pioneers fought insurmountable odds as they pressed toward fulfillment of their dream.
Alzheimer's--- Does "The System" Care? asks the question, "Will Ted and Paula Valenti's method of treatment for Alzheimer's disease (this book reveals the method), be allowed to ease the pain of not only Alzheimer's 'victims', but also the sons and daughters whose hearts are full of love and compassion for their parents?" The answer could affect your life...or someone you love!
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